The draft resolution received 13 out of 15 votes in the Security Council, the most powerful body of the United Nations, in New York on Wednesday. China remained absent.

The draft resolution calls on all States, especially States with major space capabilities, “to contribute actively to the objective of peaceful uses of outer space and to prevent an arms race in outer space, and to refrain from actions contrary to that objective.” evoked set." And my interest in the relevant existing treaties is to maintain international peace and security and to promote international cooperation”.

In February, several major US media outlets reported about Russia attempting to develop an anti-satellite nuclear weapon in space, which could pose a threat to national and international security.

The resolution also reaffirms the obligation of all States that are parties to the Outer Space Treaty to comply fully with it, "including the prohibition of nuclear weapons or any other type of weapon of mass destruction in orbit around the Earth." "Includes items not installed." weapons on celestial bodies, o deploy such weapons in outer space by any other means”.

It emphasized the serious consequences that could result from the detonation of a nuclear weapon or the use of any other type of weapon of mass destruction in outer space.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Washington's ambassador to the United Nations, said such an explosion could destroy thousands of satellites operated by countries and companies around the world "and wipe out vital communications, scientific, meteorological, agricultural, commercial and national security services." on whom we all depend".
