In his message on the International Day to Combat Hate Speech, the UN chief on Tuesday said hate speech "is a marker of discrimination, abuse, violence, conflict and even crimes against humanity".

He said, "There is no acceptable level of hate speech; we must all work to eliminate it completely."

Noting that recent months have seen an increase in anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hate speech online and in public comments by influential leaders, Guterres said hate speech today targets a wide range of groups, often based on race, Are based on ethnicity, religion. , belief, or political affiliation, Xinhua news agency reported.

He stressed, “Hate speech can be used against women, refugees, migrants, gender-diverse and trans people and minorities." He said it has grown in scale through the power of digital platforms and tools that enable it to spread across borders and cultures.

States have an obligation under international law to prevent and combat incitement to hatred and to promote diversity, mutual understanding and solidarity, and the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech addresses both the causes and effects of this crisis. Provides a framework for dealing with. Guterres said.

He said the United Nations is currently drafting global principles for information integrity to guide decision makers on these issues.

“Since young people are often most affected by hate speech, especially online, young people must be part of the solution,” Guterres stressed, adding that young people's participation is vital to making public and online spaces free of hate. .speech."

Governments, local authorities, religious, corporate and community leaders should invest in measures to promote tolerance, diversity and inclusivity, and challenge hate speech in all its forms, the UN chief said.

He concluded, "As we celebrate the International Day to Combat Hate Speech, let us all work to promote human rights education, bring young people into democratic decision-making, and combat intolerance, discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping." Do it."