London, the UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has launched a transitional anti-subsidy review of a countervailing measure on imports of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics from India, to assess whether duties should continue to apply of almost 13 percent.

TRA, an “independent body” of the government's Department of Business and Trade, will consider whether the importation of the subsidized goods subject to review would likely continue or be repeated if the compensatory amount no longer applied to those goods.

It will also consider whether injury to the UK industry in the relevant products would be likely to continue or be repeated if the compensatory amount no longer applied to those products.

Countervailing measures are one of three UK trade policy tools to counter imports that "cause or threaten harm" to the domestic industry; the other two are antidumping and safeguard measures.

Compensatory or counteracting measures refer to imported goods that are being subsidized by foreign governments.

“PET is a type of plastic that is used to produce beverage bottles, packaging for food products and is used in textiles such as clothing. In 2023, total PET imports amounted to more than £200 million,” notes the TRA.

“The TRA will review this measure, inherited from the EU, to determine whether it is still appropriate for the needs of the UK. Current duties on PET from India range from 0% to 13.8%. “The investigation period for this transition review is January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The harm period for the case is January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023,” he said.

UK businesses that may be affected by this investigation have been asked to register their interest through the Trade Remedies Service by 25 July, in order for the TRA to consider all relevant UK industry data that will determine whether the existing measure should change.

The TRA, as an independent trade body, investigates whether new corrective measures are needed to counter unfair import practices and unforeseen surges in imports from around the world. The European Union (EU) Commission conducted trade remedy investigations on behalf of the United Kingdom until Brexit. The EU trade remedies of interest to UK producers were incorporated into UK law when the UK left the EU in 2019, and the TRA is currently reviewing each of them to assess whether they are appropriate for the UK needs.