Having handled several high-profile cases, including the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, as Special Public Prosecutor, Nikam believes that PM Modi has kept the national interest at the forefront in the last 10 years.

"The government took a firm stand that terror and talks (with Pakistan) will not go together. The success achieved by the PM Modi-led government in defeating anti-national elements also includes the Kashmir Valley and empowering the army. Is." “This is unique,” Nikam said Sunday.

“In the last 10 years, the incidence of terrorist attacks and bomb blasts has been controlled to a great extent.However, if you remember the phase before that, Pakistan had created a sense of fear in the minds of Indians by carrying out terrorist attacks. The number of sleeper cells was also increasing in the country including Mumbai. Instead of taking a tough stand against Pakistan, the political system capitulated to the separatists.'' 200 Mumbai terror attacks, added. The prominent lawyer praised the present government for giving a strong response after the Pulwama and Uri terror attacks."PM Modi-led government targeted Pakistan by carrying out surgical strikes and AI strikes. National security and economic growth are two sides of the same coin. Today, India's economic growth is being praised across the world, while Pakistan is begging has been made." He said.

The BJP on Saturday surprised Nikam by fielding him as its candidate from the parliamentary constituency, replacing sitting MP Poonam Mahajan.Nikam, widely known in legal circles for his eloquence, said he is a greenhorn in politics by his own admission, but added that he is all set for the new innings despite the jeers of being an "outsider" .

Nikam thanked PM Modi and the top BJP leadership and said that he wants to contribute to the journey of 'developed India'.

He also credited the PM Modi-led government for "tremendous improvement" in India's relations with Islamic countries. All eight former Indian Navy officers sentenced by Qatar were safely released due to India's proactive diplomacy. By abrogating Article 370, this government gave impetus to the development of Kashmir.Be it the cry of emergence of Khalistan in Punjab, the challenge posed by China, Nikam said, "On the border areas or the befitting reply given to Pakistan, today the country is living a happy and peaceful life under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi." "

The BJP candidate for the Mumbai North Central Lok Sabha seat mentioned that the 1993 Mumba bomb blast case was the turning point in his career as a lawyer.

"After that case, be it the serial bomb blasts in Mumbai in 2006 or the horrific terror attack of 26/11, I have fought various cases and used all judicial instruments, I made sincere efforts to ensure that I am proud that we have succeeded in punishing a terrorist like Ajmal Kasab who came with the intention of attacking India's sovereignty. Said."While fighting these cases, I clearly realized the shortcomings and weaknesses of the then political system," he said.

He acknowledged that the announcement of his nomination would have raised eyebrows.

“Basically, politics is not my field. I have spent my entire career in the legal profession. Yet, I was often asked about joining politics.During the last elections, I was strongly urged by senior leaders of the state to become a candidate but I politely declined. There is no doubt that he will be the first one to be shocked by my decision now," he said. The opposition is criticizing him as an "outsider" - because he was born in Jalgaon but is now contesting from the Mumbai Lok Sabha seat. Are
Mumbai is his workplace.

"...the victims of the terrorist attack cases for which I fought were from Mumbai. A person who takes a pledge to work for the national interest is never bound by geographical boundaries.Therefore, being criticized as an 'outsider' means that rival candidate Nikam has "already dealt a blow to my candidacy," said Nikam. He also criticized attempts to project his image as anti-Muslim. Refuting this, he said that in his 40-50 years of career as a lawyer, he never thought about caste or religion.

He said, “For me the Constitution, law and nation are supreme. All are equal before the law…This is the most important principle of law and I am working as a true follower of this principle.,