New Delhi, a day after UGC-NET was cancelled, Education Ministry officials on Thursday said no complaints have been received regarding the exam but suo motu cognizance was taken based on the information available with them to protect the interests of students. Taking action has been taken.

Govind Jaiswal, joint secretary of the education ministry, said details of the input could not be shared as the case has been referred to the CBI and the investigation is currently underway.

"No complaint was received, but the information we received from the agencies indicates that the integrity of the examination has been compromised. This action was taken suo motu to protect the interests of the students," he said.

"The new date of the exam will be announced soon," Jaiswal told reporters.

The ministry on Wednesday canceled the UGC-NET conducted by the National Testing Agency following inputs that the integrity of the exam may have been compromised.

The ministry's decision comes amid a massive controversy over alleged irregularities in the medical entrance exam NEET, with the matter now in the Supreme Court.