Thiruvananthapuram, the opposition Congress-led UDF on Monday criticized the Left government in Kerala over the recurring boat capsizing and deaths at the nearby Muthalapozhi port and staged a walkout in the Assembly, accusing them of failing to find a solution. permanent to address the problem.

More than 70 people have reportedly died and a large number of boats capsized in and around Muthalapozhi, a coastal village where a river and lake merge with the Arabian Sea, in recent years.

While UDF members alleged that the government had failed to implement short-term or long-term programs to ensure the safety of fishermen and reduce accidents in the region, the government claimed that it had taken all "humanly possible measures" to address the problem. .

During zero hour, Fisheries Minister Saji Cheriyan explained the various measures initiated so far by the Government in the coastal village and made it clear that no debate was necessary in the House.

As Speaker AN Shamseer refused to leave the opposition's notice for the adjournment motion considering the minister's argument, the agitated UDF members announced a walkout in the House as a mark of protest.

During his address, Cheriyan admitted that the recurring accidents and deaths in Muthalapozhi were painful and disturbing and assured the House that a permanent solution would be found in the next one and a half years.

He said it was not a political issue and a joint initiative of the state and Union governments and cooperation of the ruling and opposition parties were necessary to resolve it.

The minister said the formation of sandbanks, high tides and fishermen's adventures in the sea ignoring weather warnings were among the reasons for recurring accidents in the region.

Rejecting criticism from the opposition, Cheriyan said dredging activities were progressing and that Adani Ports, which had been entrusted with the task, had removed 80 percent of debris and tetrapod stones from the port mouth.

He also cited inclement weather and high surf as obstacles to completing the task.

He further said the government is considering whether to extend the dredging contract or undertake the task on its own.

Cheriyan also said that a proposal for a project worth Rs 164 crore to find a permanent solution to the problems in Muthalapozhi has been submitted to the Centre, which has already received in-principle nod from the Union government.

If the tender procedures can be launched in two months, the works can be completed in a year and a half, finding a permanent solution to the problems faced by the fishing village.

However, Congress legislator M. Vincent, who sought an adjournment motion on the issue, rejected the minister's claims and accused the government of simply calling meetings and conducting studies without taking any concrete action.

He said fishermen were forced to go to sea despite weather warnings because they wanted to earn money for their families.

Slamming the government over the issue, opposition leader V D Satheesan alleged that the authorities were putting the lives of hapless fishermen in the hands of fate by doing nothing.

Citing figures, he said that in the last 8-9 years, 73 deaths and 120 boat accidents had been reported in Muthalappozhi.

More than 700 people were injured, hundreds of houses were damaged and equipment worth thousands of rupees, including boats, was destroyed in the village, he said.

Although the Adani group was given the task of dredging and removing soil from the port mouth, it completely failed, he claimed.

The depth can only be increased if rocks lying in the sea are removed, he said, and asked why the government granted relaxation to the business group even if they failed to dredge.

The LoP also accused the government of siding with Adani Ports in the matter despite violations of deadlines.

As the government was reluctant to discuss the Muthalapozhi issue in the House, the UDF members later staged a strike.