Abu Dhabi [UAE], Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) announced the results of the second edition of the "Itqan" program, for the current academic year (2023-2024).

The program aims to develop and improve the quality of education in private schools in the Emirate and achieve the authority's vision, where the performance of 63 private schools representing 9 different curricula of 129 private schools in the Emirate, including 78,638 male and female students, was evaluated.

In its first and second editions for the academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, the results of the program showed a qualitative and notable improvement in the performance of schools of up to 80 percent compared to the results of previous evaluations carried out in the years. 2018 and 2019.The results showed that 100 percent of private schools in the Emirate provide "acceptable" or better education, and 68 percent of schools provide "good" or better education, meaning that 117 Schools in the Emirate offer an "acceptable" or better education. , of which 79 schools offer a "good" or better education.

The final results included that one school received a rating of "outstanding", 9 schools received a rating of "very good", 69 schools received a rating of "good" and 38 schools received a rating of "acceptable", while no schools in the Emirate it received an "outstanding" rating. rating of "weak" or "very weak", reflecting the high level of educational services in most private schools in the Emirate.

Comparison of the current results with the results of the 2018 and 2019 assessments showed a significant improvement in the level of education in the Emirate, with all private schools now providing "acceptable" or better education, and the number of schools that provide a "good" or better education Education has increased from just 8 schools to 79 schools, which in turn was reflected in the number of students receiving a "good" or better education increasing from 25,351 to 145,042, while that the number of students who received an "acceptable" or inferior education decreased from 146,539 to 44,550, which shows the efforts made by all parties in the educational field and the teams of SPEA and Sharjah Education Academy.The results of the program showed that around 145,042 students of both sexes out of a total of 189,592, which is equivalent to 76% of students in private schools in the Emirate, receive a "good" or better education, while all students in private schools selected, some 189,592 men and women, receive an "acceptable" or better education.

This announcement comes after conducting a comprehensive review of the quality of performance in 63 private schools out of 129 private schools in the Emirate, including 78,638 students of both sexes.

This edition focused on schools that had not been previously reviewed and schools that obtained an "acceptable" level or lower in the first edition of the "Itqan" program for the year 2023, in order to improve school quality standards and practices in the context of the authority's vision of achieving "distinguished education" by 2025, and was implemented throughout the current academic year, from January to last March. Muhadditha Al Hashimi, Chairman of the Education Authority Sharjah Private School (SPEA), expressed pride in the results of the "Itqan" program and the continuous development observed by the educational process in private schools in Sharjah, in light of the support and monitoring of Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme and Governing Council of Sharjah, and his insightful vision and wise and continuous directives, which are the main driver of the successes achieved.

He said that what has been achieved reflects the authority's strategic vision and plan aimed at improving the quality of education and developing its tools in private schools in Sharjah, noting that the path to excellence requires a joint effort from all stakeholders. , including the work of authority. teams, school administrations and parents, expressing their deep gratitude to all those who contributed to this success and achieved a notable improvement in the quality of education, reflected in the results of the current year's evaluation compared to the two editions previous.

He added that SPEA will continue to strengthen development efforts and provide all aspects of support to the educational field, praising the fruitful efforts made by schools and cooperation with assessment teams to improve performance in various assessment standards, highlighting the aspiration to continue the process of giving, to achieve more achievements.