New Delhi/Patna [India], UAE-India CEPA Council, in collaboration with Bihar Industries Association (BIA), on Wednesday organized a Business Roundtable where opportunities for Bihar-based enterprises, especially in the agriculture and food sector, were highlighted. Was discussed. Processing Sector, Leveraging the UAE-India Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), the event was moderated by Krishna Prakash Singh Keshari, Chairman, BIA and Director, Amrapali Foods, while Ahmed Aljanebi, Director, UICC was the keynote speaker at the event. Participated as. The speaker provided participants with an overview of the vast export opportunities available to businesses in Bihar. The UAE-India CEPA Council said in an official release that the collaboration will not only leverage the benefits of CEPA but also position the UAE as a “global Will also shed light on the situation in the Emirates. Speaking at the 'Trading Hub for Major Agricultural Commodities' roundtable, Aljanebi highlighted the rapid growth in agricultural exports from India to the UAE in recent years. In 2021-22, India's total exports of agriculture and allied goods to the UAE stood at US$ 2.62 billion, an increase from.35 percent compared to the previous fiscal year “Sustainable agriculture and food security are priorities under the UAE-India CEPA, which is leading initiatives for agricultural innovation and cooperation. Growth in both agricultural exports and investment in UAE-India It has been important to emerge as the second largest export destination, third largest trading partner and fourth largest investor,'' he said, following his comments, in a recently commissioned by UICC. Discussing the report, titled "Opportunities for the UAE and Bihar's Agriculture Sector", where he highlighted the potential of agricultural exports from Bihar to the UAE and assessed the current market demand, and to help create The new export opportunities event concluded with an open discussion on opportunities to enhance engagement between UAE and Bihar businesses and measures taken to reduce regulatory barriers for importers and exporters. Under CEPA, the governments of the UAE and India discussed facilitating trade, promoting innovation and investment, simplifying regulations and policies, and eliminating or reducing tariffs.Total trade between the UAE and India has reached unprecedented heights, amounting to approximately US$85 billion in 2022-23,” I said, adding that CEPA stands as a cornerstone of the enduring and mutually beneficial relationship between the UAE and India. UICC is dedicated to promoting open dialogue, facilitating tangible collaboration, and accelerating trade relations between UAE and Indian businesses to enhance mutual growth and prosperity.