Dubai [UAE], The number of travelers to the Middle East is forecast to reach 42 million this year, representing a 5.4 per cent increase on 2019 figures, with the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) to discuss how the market is changing. ) A panel of aviation experts was convened. Outlining his predictions for the future of air travel, the session, titled "Looking Skyward for Innovation: How Technology I am Disrupting Aviation", was moderated by travel expert Mark Frary and included attendees from IATA, Cirium, IATA, AviationXLab and Riyadh. Panelists from Air Research were included. It turns out that international passenger traffic increased by 2 percent in March 2024 compared to the same month last year. According to Kashif Khalid, IATA Regional Director, Africa and the Middle East, innovation is essential to enable the industry to accommodate this significant growth in air traffic. “Without innovation, the future will be very challenging,” Khalid said.We cannot continue to build large infrastructure." With passenger levels expected to level off, so we have to look at how we manage passengers and cargo through digital solutions and innovation. At the ground level, the industry is facing many is working on innovations, not only to make aviation more sustainable but also to use the infrastructure more efficiently. One of these solutions is One ID, where tokens for passengers are digitalized, which allows us It aims to dramatically change the way airports use traditional infrastructure. The unprecedented system consolidates various travel documents such as passports, tickets and boarding passes into a single digital token. This eliminates the need for many physical documents.Providing an integrated and efficient identity management solution, IATA One I enhances security, simplifies check-in processes, and facilitates seamless travel across airports. During the panel discussion, Kevin Hightower, vice president of product, Cerium, said data sharing is key to increasing efficiency in the aviation sector and helping the industry adjust to increased demand. Hightower said, "What is measured can be improved. As we share more data across borders, we will begin to see the benefits today. Where it used to take hours to make a decision, technologies like generative AI allow us Enables decisions to be taken in seconds.Riyadh Air, Saudi's new national carrier, will launch in 2025 and will be the first digital native airline, according to Abe Dev, vice president of digital and innovation at Riyadh Air. He said: “As technologies like AI and cloud computing have matured over the past few years, customer expectations have also increased, so we have a unique opportunity to deliver a technology-enabled guest experience that has never been seen before. Dev also underlined that Riyadh Air will provide a solid platform for startups collaborating with the airline, providing further opportunities for innovation Aviation X Lab, part of the Emirates Group, an aviation-specific incubator base in the UAE , which is already making a significant impact in this area. Aviation Focusing on sustainability, safety, passenger experience and operational efficiency, Aviation X Lab aims to transform the future of air travel through cutting-edge technologies and collaborative partnerships.“When we look at the travel experience, we try and look at the passenger journey as a whole.” “Map different touchpoints where technology can bring an innovation advancement,” said Amna Al Reda, manager of Aviation X Lab. He said, "We can't talk about the future without focusing on sustainability – it's not about being the fastest and the biggest now it's about which airlines are going to operate in a sustainable way." The Arabian Travel Market will conclude on 9 May, focusing on “Empowering Innovation – Transforming Travel”, highlighting the important role of start-ups and entrepreneurs. Shaping the future of the sector, ATM 2024's strategic partners are Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism (DET), Official Airline Partner; and Al Rais Travel, Official DMC Partner.