Abu Dhabi [UAE], Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, during a phone call with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken on recent developments in the Middle East region and efforts to reach a broader level Discussed. and a sustainable ceasefire and improved humanitarian response to the immediate needs of civilians in the Gaza Strip.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed reaffirmed the UAE's support for the United States' efforts, in cooperation with key international partners, to achieve a lasting ceasefire that ensures the protection of all civilians.

He stressed that the worsening humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip requires urgent, coordinated and sustained efforts to address the urgent needs of civilians and provide essential humanitarian assistance.

Sheikh Abdullah underlined the importance of reducing tensions, countering extremism and stopping escalating violence in the region, calling for a serious political path forward in resuming negotiations aimed at achieving a comprehensive peace based on a two-state solution. Highlighted the need.

They also discussed developments in the situation in Sudan and their humanitarian implications.