George was troubled to see the number of chicken coops in his house decreasing every day.

Initially they suspected that someone was stealing the chickens, but then one day in June 2022 they came to know that the thief was a python.

Seeing the huge python, he immediately informed the forest officials, who came and took it away.

Then, forest officials informed George that he could apply for compensation as the rare reptile is 'state-protected', which he promptly did. The python has been given the highest protection status under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

But his efforts to get compensation were not successful.

A year later, a distressed George raised the issue in a 'Janata Adalat' organized by a state minister. George expressed his anger to the minister, saying that the snake may belong to the Kerala government, but the chickens they lost are theirs and they should be compensated.

The minister explained to George but still he did not get compensation. Eventually, they decided to approach the Kerala Human Rights Commission.

But, before he could approach the commission, he received a call from the forest department regarding compensation. He was sanctioned Rs 2,000 for the chickens that were eaten by the 'state-owned' python.

A happy George finally felt relieved and said that his efforts had been rewarded. Meanwhile, to protect his property from 'state-owned snakes', he has strengthened his chicken coop.