Guwahati, Two suspected Bangladeshi terrorists of Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) have been arrested in Guwahati, Assam.

Acting on a tip-off, two Bangladeshi nationals living illegally in India were arrested from Guwahati railway station on Monday, a police statement said. He explained that they were in the city to "radicalize the youth" to join the terrorist organization.

"These cadres are citizens of Bangladesh and were living in India illegally without passports and had obtained Indian documents to spread terror networks in Assam," it said.

They are suspected cadres of ABT, an affiliate of Al Qaeda in the India Subcontinent (AQIS), which is banned along with all affiliated groups in the country.

The statement said that objectionable documents including Aadhar and PAN cards, which are suspected to be fake, were seized from them.