Washington, Noting that the June 27 presidential debate had some impact on Donald Trump's popularity, the leader of "Sikh Americans for Trump" stated that the former president's victory will depend on whether the elections are free, fair and legal.

"I think our community is very supportive of him. I've seen a lot of support for President Trump. We're raising money for President Trump. We're going to the convention soon," Maryland-based community leader Jasdip Singh Jassee said Chief of "Sikh Americans for Trump," ahead of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee next week.

Republican delegates from across the country, during the four-day RNC convention in Milwaukee, would formally nominate Trump as their presidential candidate for the Nov. 5 general election. Current President Joe Biden is the presumptive candidate of the Democratic Party.

"This time we will mobilize our team across the country, including on the West Coast, in New York, Texas, in support of President Trump," said Jassee, who has been named to President Trump's finance committee, the Trump 47 .

"We all knew the problems that President Biden had had over the last four years, but it was very interesting to see... for the American public and the American media, to see during the debate how much President Biden has diminished his mental capacity and his thinking processes. thought, which was very evident throughout. But somehow, the American media controlled it and didn't let people know," he said in response to a question.

"So right now, we see that the debate had some impact on President Trump's popularity, but the overall situation in the country, such as inflation, illegal immigration, a messy border right now, infrastructure, violence and crime happening in the United States, and also a zero foreign policy, in which the United States is no longer a leader," he observed.

"All of this has had an impact on Biden's campaign, in addition to his debate performance and his physical and mental capacity. But again, the key question is what President Trump said in the debate when he was asked: Will he accept the verdict? "He said if it's a fair, legal and honest election, yes, I'll do it. So, again, the key is whether these elections are going to be fair, honest or legal," Jassee said.

"If that happens, then yes, President Trump will win, because that's what the American public wants. But if there's a swamp involved, or a deep state involved, or vested interests involved, then we don't know what the outcome will be." be," Jassee said.

According to him, this year, the support of the Indian community, the South Asian community and the Sikh community for Trump has been four times higher than in 2020.

"Now, people are coming up to me and saying, hey, we want to support you. Whereas in 2016 and 2020, I used to get criticized for my support or I got all the negativities towards me. This time, people from the community are coming up to me and he asks me, hey, we want to support President Trump," he said.

"And that's a big change, because our community has seen the decline of America during the four years of Biden and the decline of America's infrastructure. Most of us South Asians work in small businesses and the crime that It is affecting small businesses.

"People are seeing the inflation, the immigration disorder. On the one hand, we have open borders. On the other hand, if you have an H-1B (visa), it will take you like 40 years to become a US citizen. citizen. So the "The country is upside down. Even in foreign policy, America's influence, America's supremacy has taken a big hit and because of that, I think our community is very supportive of President Trump," Jassee said.