"Stop outsourcing and turn America into a manufacturing superpower," said Trump's 2024 Republican Party Platform, released ahead of the party's convention next week to anoint him the party's nominee for the White House in his third campaign. .

The platform is a list of 20 promises that articulate Trump's "vision of Making America Great Again in a concise and digestible way for all voters," said Trump campaign senior advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.

"As Joe Biden and the Democrats argue over who will be at the top of their list and have implemented policies that have raised prices for ordinary families, opened the floodgates to immigrant crime across open borders, shackled American energy With red tape imposed by Washington, bureaucrats and chaos wreaked around the world through a weak foreign policy, President Trump will make America great again through these America First principles.”

The platform was a mix of the party's conservative agenda and populist measures. They included promises to "seal the border," carry out the largest deportation program ever undertaken, "prevent World War III," tax cuts for workers, end inflation, create the world's strongest military, bring peace to Europe and Western Asia and preserve the dollar as the world reserve currency.

The government and Indian companies will be alarmed by the promise to end outsourcing, bringing back memories of a series of measures announced in Trump's first term to curb outsourcing and attack Indian companies that dominated the manufacturing industry. subcontracting in the United States. The administration had targeted the H-1B visa program that U.S. companies use to make up for a shortage of locally available labor for high-skill jobs.

It is estimated that the United States accounts for 62 percent of the business that the Indian outsourcing industry gets worldwide. American companies that have outsourced to Indian companies include giants like Ford Motors, Cisco, American Express (Amex), General Electrics and Microsoft. It is not unusual for the President of the United States to rail against outsourcing and offshoring as vast swathes of the country were eliminated from manufacturing jobs and sent overseas to low-wage countries in a globalized economy.

President Joe Biden called for a tax penalty for offshoring in his 2020 election platform, and former President Barack Obama frequently and urgently called on American companies to bring back outsourced jobs, threatening them with tax disincentives.