Agartala, Forest Minister Anims Debbaram on Monday said the Tripura government will plant five lakh saplings a day to increase the forest coverage of the northeastern state.

At present the forest area of ​​the state is 66 percent.

"The entire state is experiencing scorching heat," Debbarma Toll said. Since tree plantation plays an important role in the fight against global warming, the forest department has decided to plant five lakh saplings to boost the forest coverage of the state. "

The forest department has already prepared a plan to carry out a massive tree plantation drive in a phased manner, he said, adding that five lakh saplings will be planted in a single day in the first week of July, without specifying on which day the saplings will be planted. Will go. Will be imposed.

"We do not want the saplings to die after plantation. Steps will also be taken to nurture the planted saplings so that the forest coverage in the northeastern state can be expanded," he said.

The Forest Minister appealed to the people, social organizations and clubs to come forward to join hands with the Forest Department for large-scale tree plantation drive.

Debbarma said the forest department has to cut trees to facilitate development works like expansion of national highways.