Agartala (Tripura) [India], The Disaster Management Authority of Tripura on Tuesday issued a public advisory to mitigate the impact of hot and humid weather, which will continue for a few days. The general public has been asked to avoid going out. Avoid scorching sun, make changes in diet and avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages with high caffeine content as they cause dehydration in the body. During this period, it has been advised to consume home drinks like lassi, lemonade and fruits which provide more water to the body. Revenue department officials said that this advisory has been issued for the next seven days.If the situation persists, a revised advisory will be followed "The state has been battling hot and humid weather conditions since last week. According to an IMD report, similar conditions may continue for the next few days. The medical fraternity has warned people to avoid exposure to intense sunlight which can lead to sun stroke in the worst case, similarly, IMD is updating the weather report and hot and humid weather. Issuing daily bulletins with advisories to key stakeholders and the general public to deal with the heat wave, sunstroke, etc. in Tripura," the Revenue Department of Tripura said in a press statement. and declared sunburns as state-specific disasters, laying down a set of guidelines, the statement said, adding, "All district disaster management authorities have been advised to manage the upcoming hot and humid weather. They should spread wide awareness through various media platforms, inform the general public about weather conditions, provide safe drinking water at public and strategic locations, provide medical aid and make other necessary provisions for vulnerable communities. District. The district administration has also been advised to activate emergency operation centres, keep rapid response teams and resources on alert, ensure uninterrupted power supply in all areas and seek assistance from other key agencies as and when required for the safety of citizens.Major advisories have been issued for the general public in the state. People have been asked to avoid going out in the sun, especially between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. I have been advised to drink more water than usual and wear light-coloured and non-porous cotton clothes. It is also advised to use protective goggles and umbrella/hat while going out in the sun. As per the advisory, people have been advised to avoid consuming alcohol, tea, coffee and carbonated soft drinks, which dehydrate the body.People have been asked to avoid eating high protein food and not to eat stale food, while farmers have been advised to grow. maize, pulses and other crops and vegetables, they have also been advised to provide proper shelter and ventilation to the animals, especially during the afternoon.