Agartala, Chief Electoral Officer Punit Rastogi said Chief Minister Manik Saha and state BJP president Rajib Bhattacharya were booked for allegedly urging people to vote for the party's Tripura East candidate Kriti Devi Singh during the "silent period" on Thursday. Notice was issued on.

Voting in this constituency will take place on Friday and campaigning ended on Wednesday.

"We noticed that two audio clips of CM Manik Saha and the state BJP president urging people to vote for the BJP candidate (Kriti Devi Debbarman) were being sent to mobile phone numbers since morning. Immediately, they were asked to stop its circulation. Said audio clip,” Rastogi said.

"The Chief Minister and the state BJP state president were asked to clarify their position on the audio clip broadcast during the silence period. They should send their reply today itself. We will take appropriate action after receiving the reply," he said. Added.

Earlier, Tripura East returning officer Saju Wahid had warned BJP MP Biplab Kuma Deb for his "objectionable remarks" aimed at senior Congress MLA Sudip Roy Barman.

"You are warned and advised to refrain from making such statements during elections in future, otherwise it will be seen as a violation of the MCC," he said in a release.

Former chief minister Deb, now a Rajya Sabha MP, was the BJP candidate from Tripura West seat.