New Delhi [India], Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha on Sunday said Benga Kasba Mandal President Saraswati Sarkar was allegedly attacked by Trinamoo Congress (TMC) goons. "Women safety in West Bengal is a nightmare," Saha said on social media platform Taking aim at it, he wrote, "If Kolkata is not safe for women despite being the Chief Minister, then the people of West Bengal will see this and respond to it." Meanwhile, BJP IT cell chief Amit Malviya tweeted, "The agitation outside Anandpur police station demanding justice for Saraswati Sarkar and other BJP workers has intensified as Kolkata Police makes efforts to frame appropriate charges and arrest the attackers." Kolkata is dragging its feet. It will be a long night if Mamata Banerjee's goons do not follow the law. That no woman is safe in West Bengal Last night, TMC goons hit out at BJP Kasba Mandal President (in South Kolkata) Saraswati Sarkar, attacking Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, saying, “As the Home Minister of Bengal That is a huge disaster. Imagine if Kolkata is not safe then how bad will #SandeshKhali be? The people of Bengal will answer for their atrocities. Earlier on Saturday, BJP had claimed that Saraswati Sarkar was injured in the attack by TMC goons.