The woman said that both her husband and a middleman named Benny had earlier donated their kidneys and were now working as middlemen.

She said that a few days ago, Beni had tried to force her to sell her kidney by calling her to Kochi saying that her husband was admitted in the hospital and his condition was critical.

The woman said that Benny had lured many tribal people of Kannur into the orgy trade and that he was giving very little money to the donors while he was taking a major share of the money.

With the arrest of Sambit Nassar in Kochi on May 19, the kidney racket is being exposed in Kerala and complaints of kidney selling are coming from different parts of the state.

Speaking to IANS, Peravoor DSP Ashraf Thengalakkandiyil said, "The police have recorded the statement of the woman and are conducting a detailed investigation based on her complaint."