The exhibition titled 'Jeeva' showcases Sansanwal's intricate sculptural paintings of trees that he has worked on for the last 15 years. Painting mostly involves acrylic and pen and ink on canvas or watercolor and pen and ink on canvas.

Curated by Uma Nair, the week-long exhibition will begin on April 27 and continue till May 3 at Bikaner House. 'Jeeva' is being hosted by Black Cube Gallery, which makes its debut at Bikaner House with a collection of Sansanwal's paintings. For the artist, this will be his first solo release after a gap of 15 years.Ompal's trademark style in painting is
, crooked tree roots and dense leaves together shape their stories
, or from Indian mythology, or simply assume human-like forms as they embrace each other, or even dance.

“When I paint trees, they appear in a meditative state,” Sansanwal said. “I start to paint, I don't know what form the painting will take. It just takes shape on its own. I have no idea about what I'm doing, and I'm always absorbed in the work.Referring to his painting of Rabindranath Tagore, he says, "Just as Tagore gave knowledge to the world, the tree too has been giving knowledge to the world since ages."

Sansanwal was fascinated by trees since childhood and would spend hours admiring the peepal, banyan, mango, guava and jamun trees in the 'baghichi' or garden behind his house in south Delhi's Mehrauli area. And as he looked at them, the trees would take the shape of humans and he would try to find eyes and mouths.

Sansanwal says, “In my trees you will find faces, human figures. I have not copied any tree, these figures come from within me.,

Sansanwal's works have previously been displayed in several solo exhibitions, including group shows held at Museum Gallery, Mumbai and LTG Gallery and Sridharan Gallery, Nehru Center in New Delhi and London, and in the former Yugoslavia.

Elaborating on his style, curator Uma Nair said, "As an artist, Sansanva is a pilgrim, walking miles to find the trees of his sensibility. When you look at his works You feel a deep spiritual aura that completes them." Their skill in distributing twigs, leaves and berries tied to branches in the form of birds becomes a rhythm.”

Ompal, born in 1964, received the National Award in 2002.Rajasthan Lali Kala Academy also honored him in 1991.

'Jiva' will be inaugurated by leading Indian conservation architect and CEO of Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) Ratish Nanda. He will also release Sansanwal's book 'Meditations on Trees'.