Male, Transparency Maldives has urged authorities to address allegations of vote buying in the recently concluded parliamentary election by the People's National Congress Party led by Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu.

The NGO also urged authorities to address the misuse of state resources that is hindering women's equal participation in politics, News Porta reported on Monday.

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"TM continued to observe misuse of state resources, including the inauguration or closing of projects during the campaign period," the NGO said.

The election was generally well administered, the NGO said in a statement released last night.However, Transparency said it had observed several attempts to inappropriately influence voting in recent days.

The Transparency statement mentioned major projects announced by state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and state institutions in the 48 hours before the polls opened.

"Ceremony marking the award or inauguration of at least C development projects worth more than MVR 680 million on the official social media accounts of state-owned enterprises and government ministries up to 4 hours before Election Day," the statement said. Posted." ,

The ruling PNC won 68 out of 93 seats in Sunday's elections and its coalition partners Maldives National Party (MNP) and Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) won one and two seats respectively, giving them more than two-thirds of the parliament. The party won. A simple supermajority with the power to amend the Constitution.The transparency statement also expressed concern over the government's transfer of jurisdiction over various lagoons and uninhabited islands to the administrative regions of the three islands four days before the elections, reports.

The statement about improperly influencing the elections by state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and government agency came after the government awarded several projects to Maldives Transport and Contractors Company (MTCC) in the four days before the elections.

It also expressed concern over "amendments brought about on the day of elections in the two administrative areas by order of the President".

Other concerns included an announcement 20 hours before the start of voting to provide housing and housing loans to those "deprived" of housing under the previous government's social housing projects.

Transparency highlighted a press release by the Housing Ministry to provide housing specifically to those who did not secure housing under the Tata Housing Flats in 2010.Transparency deployed observers to the parliamentary elections at home and abroad to Colombo, Sri Lanka and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.