Nagpur (Maharashtra) [India], Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's Karyakarta Vikas Varg-II started on Friday morning at Maharishi Vyas Auditorium, Dr. Hedgewar Smriti Bhawan Complex in Reshimbagh, Nagpur. At the beginning of the class, Sarvadhikari Iqbal Singh, Co-Sarkaryavah Krishna Gopalaj, All India Service Chief and Guardian Officer of the class Parag Abhyank offered floral tributes to Mother India. On this occasion, Sah Sarkaryavah Mukundji and Ramdutt Chakradhar were present. 936 learners from across the country are participating in this class. Addressing the learners, Parag Abhyankar said that the volunteers have the feeling that they will get the privilege of going to Nagpur to learn about Sangh work and practice it."The feeling that Sangh work should be the work of life also remains in the minds of the students. This land is the abode of Dr. Hedgewar." And the training class is very important in Shri Guruji's Sangh, that is why as the work progressed, classes were formed at different places. There were human challenges before independence. The Sangh also worked for the independence of the country. Abhyankar said, “Doctorji himself actively participated in the Jungle Satyagraha, except during the restriction period and the Corona period, the Sangh Varga was held continuously.He added that changes were also made in the duration and curriculum of the war as per the requirement. From time to time, changes were made in the arrangements keeping in mind what should be the thinking of the learner and what are the challenges before him.'' In earlier classes, emphasis was laid on increasing patience and courage under physical programs. Now the challenges have changed, its meaning has not been understood. If there is a need to respond to challenges then such topics are also included in this category.Abhyankar said, "The goal of this class is to create a global vision of the traumatized Hindu society." In this class, learners will also get practical training on how to connect with the good spirits of the society (Sajjanshakti). India will come here for training and the class will conclude on June 10.