New Delhi, Researchers have found that increased traffic noise can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases including heart attacks.

After finding evidence linking traffic noise and the risk of developing heart-related conditions, researchers are calling for this type of noise pollution to be recognized as a risk factor for heart disease.

The international team of researchers reviewed epidemiological data, which provides evidence to identify risk factors for a certain disease.

In their review, researchers found evidence that for every 10 decibel increase in noise from road traffic, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack, stroke and diabetes, increases by 3.2 percent.

In particular, he said, nighttime traffic noise that disrupts and reduces sleep time can increase stress hormone levels in blood vessels, leading to inflammation, high blood pressure and vascular diseases."It is also important for us that traffic noise is now recognized as a risk factor for heart disease because of the strong evidence," said senior professor Thoma Münzel of the University Medical Center Mainz, Germany, who led the study published in Is a writer. The journal Circulation Research said.

The researchers also suggested strategies for local authorities to reduce noise from road, rail and air traffic.

He said that by installing noise barriers on busy roads in densely populated areas, noise levels can be reduced by up to 10 decibels.

Building roads using noise-reducing asphalt has been shown to reduce levels by 3-6 decibels, the authors said.Other strategies they suggest include limiting driving speeds and developing and promoting the use of low-noise tyres.

At the individual level, the researchers recommended using bicycles, share rides, and public transportation to reduce urban road traffic noise.

To reduce aircraft noise, strategies such as optimizing and planning air routes using GPS to direct them away from densely populated areas can be adopted. The researchers suggested that air traffic noise could be significantly reduced by banning take-offs and landings at night.

Regular maintenance of railways, including brake upgrades, was also suggested to reduce rail traffic noise."With a large portion of the population exposed to harmful traffic noise even after the COVID pandemic ends, noise control efforts and noise reduction laws are critical to future public health," Munzel said.