"Many tourists underestimate the effort associated with walking in direct sunlight," said Athens cardiologist Thomas Giannoulis.

"The temperature can reach 37 degrees in the shade and can easily rise to 60 degrees in the sun."

This increases the risk of dehydration and heatstroke. "And the older the person, the greater the risk," Gianoulis said.

All those who died or went missing are tourists aged between 55 and 80.The first was a 67-year-old British journalist who went missing off the Turkish coast near Simi in early June and whose body was found a few days later. Later

Local officials said he had lost his way and had fallen at a place where it was difficult for the search team to find him.

Two others died on Crete. An 80-year-old man who went for a walk alone and a 70-year-old man who collapsed on the beach and died. On Mathraki, a small island west of Corsica, a 55-year-old American citizen died while out on a beach. Walking.And in Samos, near the Turkish coast, the body of a 74-year-old Dutch man was found while he was out for a walk alone.

In the Cyclades, an American citizen has been missing for more than a week after going on a walk, while two elderly French women are missing after going on a walk in Sikkim last week.

According to Greek press reports, some victims fainted shortly after eating lunch and drinking wine. Others did not have maps or smartphones or were in remote areas with no signal. Giannoulis says the biggest mistake is going out alone.In the event of heatstroke, a person can quickly lose sense of time and direction.

The cardiologist said, "Heatstroke should be treated in the hospital as soon as possible. Just drinking some water is not enough."

According to meteorologists, it has not been so hot this time of year since records began, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees in early June. It will also be very hot in Emilia-Romagna on the Adriatic coast.However, northern areas of Italy will be spared extremely high temperatures.

According to weather site ilmeteo.it, the hot weather in central and southern Italy is due to a high pressure area called "Minos" moving towards the country from Africa.

The hot air is accompanied by high humidity and warm nights. The heat wave will subside over the weekend. Severe storms and falling temperatures are predicted, especially in the north.int/as/arm