Cleveland (Ohio) [US], The kidneys are essential for maintaining normal health because they filter waste from the circulation. If they are unable to effectively filter out foreign substances a number of serious, sometimes fatal medical disorders can arise. According to a recent study, tooth loss and chronic renal disease may be related to each other.

The survey findings are published online in Menopause, the journal of The Menopause Society.

A woman's glomerular filtration rate indicates the condition of her kidneys.After menopause, kidney function decreases over time and is related to lower levels of reproductive hormones. These hormonal changes that occur during menopause also often result in abdominal obesity, which is associated with an increased risk of tooth decay and is a distinct risk factor for the development of chronic kidney disease.

The consequences of kidney disease are numerous, including an increased likelihood of experiencing bone and cardiovascular health problems. Tooth loss, which reflects oral health status, is also associated with systemic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disease, and osteoporosis, and is independently associated with increased risk of stroke. Excessive tooth loss can also cause difficulty in chewing and speaking.Previous studies have identified an association between kidney function and the number of teeth. However, this latest study, involving nearly 65,000 participants, is the first known study to evaluate the association between chronic kidney disease and postmenopausal tooth loss in women of all ages. It was concluded that glomerular filtration rate, a measure of kidney function, is significantly associated with at least 20 (out of a total of 28) adult teeth, suggesting that chronic kidney disease and tooth loss are important. , especially in postmenopausal women aged 66 years and older. Till 79 years.

These findings suggest that preventing and managing mineral and bone metabolic disorders in postmenopausal women with chronic kidney disease is important to prevent tooth loss. Addressing the progression of kidney disease is also important, as the consequences affect many systems of the body beyond just oral health.The results of the survey are published in the article "Chronic kidney disease is associated with tooth loss in women after menopause."

"This study highlights the known relationship between chronic kidney disease and bone metabolism. In addition to careful efforts aimed at preserving kidney function in postmenopausal women with chronic kidney disease, more attention is paid to oral and bone health. Attention is needed. On the contrary, oral health is a window to overall health, and good oral hygiene is important for women of all ages," said Dr. Stephanie Faubion, medical director of The Menopause Society.