At an interaction program titled 'Emergency is an insult to the Constitution' organized by Citizens for Social Justice in Bengaluru, Annamalai said: "Why did B.R. Ambedkar resign from late former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet? We should read his letter of resignation. Congress leaders claim to be pro-poor and pro-SC and ST. Those who read Ambedkar's resignation letter will not forgive them in life."

"The memories of Ambedkar are with us, and the people of Karnataka are the ones who support Prime Minister Narendra Modi," she added.

Those who were arrested during the Emergency did not know when they would be released, the BJP leader said.

"The Emergency lasted 21 months. However, those who were imprisoned had no idea whether it would last 21 months, 21 years or even 50 years," he said.

Annamalai continued, “I have read about the Emergency. In 1959, Indira Gandhi visited Kerala after becoming Congress president. Upon her return, she pressured Nehru to dismiss the communist government there. Subsequently, the communist government of Kerala was dismissed on the advice of Indira Gandhi. In those days it was presumed that the central government had every right to dismiss state governments.”

In 1966, after becoming Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi devalued the rupee on June 6, 1966, she said.

"In 1967, Deputy Prime Minister Morarji Desai condemned this action. In 1969, 14 private banks were nationalized because they did not give loans to the poor. The country witnessed negative growth during Indira Gandhi's period, and all these factors resulted in the imposition of Emergency," he stated.

Congress loyalists and communists published positive articles on the Emergency, the BJP leader said.

"In the context of the Emergency, 'Black Day' is celebrated across the country. But this is not just a 'Black Day', it is a day that creates awareness to prevent any development that may lead to its recurrence," he said. Annamalai. .