Senior BJP leader and party spokesperson ANS Prasad said in a statement that Rahul Gandhi's constant contempt towards mother India, its citizens and the democratically elected government on foreign soil makes him unworthy of holding Indian citizenship.

The BJP leader added that the Prime Minister Modi-led government was a global example in soliciting citizens' views on public welfare schemes and vital policy decisions.

He said these measures showed Prime Minister Modi's bravery in empowering the voices of citizens.

He alleged that certain individuals compromise the pride of India by spreading poisonous propaganda abroad.

The BJP leader said, "This is driven by selfish interests and political expediency. We must resist those who tarnish India's reputation and shame its citizens, irrespective of their stature."

He added that Rahul Gandhi's comments on India-China relations were wrong and motivated by ulterior motives.

He alleged that the Congress leader's actions demonstrate historical ignorance and political opportunism.

The BJP leader said the attempt to shift the blame for the Congress's past mistakes on the current government is a desperate attempt to divert attention from the party's disgraceful political record.

He added: "Under the leadership of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, India suffered a series of humiliating defeats. These included the loss of Aksai Chin to China and PoK to Pakistan. In contrast, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has demonstrated unwavering determination and strategic insight".

The BJP leader said Prime Minister Modi had addressed the complex challenge of China, protecting India's sovereignty despite hostile neighbors.

He alleged that Rahul Gandhi's baseless allegations against India during his recent US tour were scathing attacks on democratic institutions, adding that this was undermining the trust of the Indian people.

He asked the Union government to investigate the reasons behind Rahul Gandhi's treacherous statements in a foreign land.

He also appealed to the Union government to take necessary steps to safeguard India's interests.

The BJP leader said, "Citizens must express opposition and uphold patriotism, unity and integrity. This will safeguard the honor of India and foster national pride."