New Delhi, The Union Health Ministry on Wednesday stressed the importance of timely detection and prevention of thalassemia to combat the disease.

Union Health Secretary Apoorva Chandra, speaking at an event on the occasion of International Thalassemia Day, advocated inclusion of mandatory thalassemia testing in the existing Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) programs under NH as a means of reducing the prevalence of the disease. of.

Speaking on the occasion, the Union Health Secretary said, “Timely screening and prevention are the most effective strategies to deal with thalassemia.”

He said that there are about one lakh thalassemia patients in the country and about 10,000 new cases are reported every year. He stressed on proactive intervention by timely detection through screening.

Chandra also highlighted the need for widespread awareness regarding this disease. H said that many people are still unaware of this disease and how it can be prevented. “It is imperative that all stakeholders in the region collaborate in a nationwide campaign to raise awareness on thalassemia,” he said.

As a step in this direction, he launched a video made in collaboration with the Indian Association of Pediatrics and Thalassemic India to promote effective prevention methods and optimal treatment of thalassemia.

He said that some states have included it in their public health programs and activities; Other states will be urged to include and expand screening to test for the disease.