New Delhi, Immediate action and proper stabilization are crucial to treat spinal cord injuries, neurosurgeons said, calling for more efforts by medical professionals and policy makers to ensure timely and proper treatment to patients.

They also noted that among the injuries people suffer in traffic accidents, spinal injuries are one of the main causes of disability, which, doctors said, is largely due to insufficient and late medical management.

"Timely stabilization lays the foundation for further treatment, improving prospects for rehabilitation and functional restoration," said Dr Manish Vaish, senior director of neurosurgery, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Vaishali.

He said it is crucial that medical professionals and caregivers understand the urgency and importance of interventions to minimize long-term disability and optimize patient outcomes.

"Immediate action and proper stabilization are essential in the treatment of spinal cord injuries," Vaish said, adding that "techniques such as immobilization, traction and surgical interventions are vital to prevent worsening (of the condition). and improve recovery.

Dr Yashpal Singh Bundela, senior consultant, Sushrut Brain and Spine, Delhi, said time is of the essence in spinal cord injury cases.

"Every minute lost translates into potential neurological damage. Our immediate focus is stabilizing the spine and minimizing pressure on the spinal cord. Sometimes surgery is necessary to remove the compressive elements. Once that initial window passes, we change towards rehabilitation. Physical and occupational therapists become our partners to help patients regain strength, retrain muscles and maximize long-term function," he said.

Spinal cord injuries are complex, but with immediate medical attention and a dedicated rehabilitation program, a significant recovery is possible, Bundela said.

Dr Vaish said spinal cord injuries are a growing concern in India. Public awareness campaigns can help people recognize symptoms and seek immediate medical attention, he said.

Equipping first responders with the knowledge and tools to manage such injuries on the spot is crucial, he said, adding that expanding access to specialized spinal cord care across the country is essential.

By working together, medical professionals, policymakers and the public can improve outcomes for those living with spinal cord injuries, doctors said.