Bipartisan, bicameral legislation promoting the resolution of the Tibet-China dispute, also known as the Tibet Resolution Bill, was approved during a session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The law also aims to counter disinformation promoted by the Chinese government regarding Tibet, including fabricated narratives about Tibet's history, culture, people, and institutions, including the Dalai Lama.

The bill, approved by the SFRC, is a modified iteration of legislation initially introduced by Senators Jeff Merkley and Todd Young and Representatives Jim McGovern and Michael McCaul in the House, where it passed.

Following its approval by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the bill is now set to advance to the Senate floor.

Responding to the approval of the bill, Namgyel Choedup, a representative of the Tibet Office of North America, said: “Tibetans greatly respect the American Congress and are always grateful for the support of the American people.With today's vote, the United States is once again showing that it is a leader on the international stage when it comes to advancing the just cause of Tibetans.

“We thank committee members for moving the Tibet Reconciliation Act to the Senate, and we call on the Senate to pass this bill without delay.”

Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Chairman Penpa Tsering has started his official engagements in Washington DC from April 15 as part of his engagement in North America.

He has been actively involved in meetings with legislators and government officials to get the Resolve Tibet bill passed.

While introducing the bill, Senator Merkley said: “The People's Republic of China continues to ignore the basic rights of the Tibetan people, and the status quo is not sustainable.The Promoting Resolution of the Tibet-China Dispute Act sends a direct message to the Chinese government: stop spreading misinformation about Tibet and its history and engage in honest dialogue on the situation in Tibet.

Tencho Gyatso, president of the International Campaign for Tibet, said: "We look forward to seeing this bill passed by the Senate and signed into law by the President. China needs to get back into dialogue with Tibetan leaders, and this bill will help China But it will significantly increase diplomatic pressure." ,”