In Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) [India], Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama on Saturday congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the inauguration of the new Nalanda University campus in Rajgir, Bihar.

The Tibetan spiritual leader said he is encouraged by the growing interest among youth across India in ancient Indian knowledge and wisdom.

"As a center of learning," His Holiness wrote, "the original Nalanda University shone like a sun in the east. Education, rooted in rigorous study, discussion and debate, flourished at Nalanda, attracting students from all over of Asia," the Dalai Lama wrote to Prime Minister Modi, according to his office.

"In addition to philosophy, science, mathematics and medicine, they learned about the ancient Indian traditions of ahimsa and karuna, which remain not only relevant but also essential in today's world," he added.

He said how wonderful it is to know that a new Nalanda University has been established at this historic place.

"In addition to these positive qualities, Nalanda students developed a deep understanding of the workings of the mind and emotions, which emerged from traditional Indian meditative practices to develop tranquility (shamatha) and insight (vipashyana). I believe that "The way the Nalanda tradition presented these qualities in terms of logic and reason means that they can be easily combined with modern education for the broader benefit of humanity," the Dalai Lama's office said.

"I am encouraged by the growing interest among young people across India and beyond in ancient Indian knowledge and wisdom. It has great potential to contribute to the creation of a more compassionate world. Committed as I am to creating greater interest and awareness in ancient Indian knowledge, it is wonderful that a new Nalanda University has been established in this historic place and may it thrive and prosper," the Tibetan spiritual leader added.

The Nalanda University campus has two academic blocks with 40 classrooms with a total seating capacity of around 1900. It has two auditoriums with a capacity of 300 seats each, a student hostel with a capacity of around 550 students and several other facilities including an International Centre. , an Amphitheater with capacity for 2000 people, a Faculty Club and a Sports Complex among others.

The campus is a 'Net Zero' eco-friendly campus. It is Self-Sustainable with solar plants, domestic and drinking water treatment plants, water recycling plants for wastewater reuse, 100 acres of water bodies and many other environment friendly facilities.

The University has a deep connection with history. The original Nalanda University, founded about 1,600 years ago, is considered one of the first residential universities in the world.

The Nalanda ruins were declared a World Heritage Site by the UN in 2016.