This approach, which involves personalized 'cocktails' of antibiotics, probiotics and prebiotics, was found to improve symptoms in almost all patients who were included in the study published in the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases journal.

According to lead researcher Professor Maurizio Sanguinetti, "Research shows that approximately 10-30 percent of individuals who experience acute gastroenteritis develop IBS after infection. Symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and abdominal pain may persist for months. Or may last for years." "Early infection."

Post-infectious IBS (PI-IBS) is a form of irritable bowel syndrome that occurs after gastroenteritis or food poisoning.To investigate the potential of this approach, researchers conducted a study on 13 PI-IBS patients (8 men and 5 women; mean age, 31 years) who were treated with targeted gut-microbiota therapy.

Nine patients (69.2 percent) had diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D), while four (30.8 percent) had constipation-predominant IBS (IBS-C).

Bloating and abdominal pain were reported in 69.2 percent (9/13) and 76.9 percent (10/13) of patients, respectively.

Based on their results, the researchers designed a personalized therapy for each patient with the goal of rebalancing their gut microbiota.

Treatments included short courses of the antibiotics rifaximin (9/13, 6 percent of patients) or paromomycin (4/13, 31 percent) to reduce levels of potentially harmful bacteria, followed by prebiotics to improve the numbers. Or postbiotics were involved.Protective bacteria and combat harmful bacteria for space and resources.

Twelve weeks after starting treatment, symptoms improved in 93 percent of patients and 38.5 percent achieved overall remission, the study said.

Sanguinetti said, "A precision medicine approach, in which testing and careful analysis of the Gu microbiota allows the development of personalized treatments, is very promising in the treatment of PI-IBS."