New Delhi: The Congress on Monday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has nothing new to offer and as usual resorted to "distractions" in his remarks ahead of the start of the 18th Lok Sabha.

Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh said that the Prime Minister has not shown any evidence that he understands the true meaning of the people's decision.

He said, "The non-biological Prime Minister, who faced a massive personal, political and moral defeat in the Lok Sabha elections, has delivered his usual 'message to the nation' outside Parliament as the 18th Lok Sabha prepares to begin its term. " ,

Ramesh said in a post, "He has not said anything new and has resorted to distraction as usual. He has shown no evidence that he understands the true meaning of the people's decision, due to which he has got only one seat in Varanasi." A narrow and doubtful victory was achieved." X.

Ramesh also said, "Don't let him be in any doubt: Bharat Janbandhan will hold him to account every minute. He has been brutally exposed."

In his customary remarks before the start of the 18th Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Modi said India needs a responsible opposition as people want substance, not slogans. He said that people do not want ruckus in Parliament, they want debate and hard work.

Modi said people expect good steps from the opposition, but its performance so far has been disappointing and expressed hope that it will play its role and maintain the dignity of democracy.

He also recalled that June 25 is the 50th anniversary of the Emergency and termed it a 'black spot' on India's democracy when the Constitution was rejected.