New Delhi [India], Attorney General of India R Venkataramani said that there is a need for a radical change in the law making process and also stressed that efforts should be made not only to make laws but also to make them effective in the fast-changing world. Their effective implementation and relevance should also be ensured. The Attorney General was speaking on 'The transformational potential of the legal sector in shaping India's economic trajectory' at the 'International Legal Conference 2024' organized by the Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC) under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The top law officer on Saturday said life revolves around service, reflecting the Indian ethos of communal welfare. “I believe that legal practitioners play an important role in enhancing the quality of service in various sectors. The evolving scenario demands re-evaluation of old legal principles and procedural.“Inefficiencies,” he said.

The Attorney General told the audience that legal services provision should not be isolated today; It needs to be linked to the rest of policymaking "And I believe our law making process needs a paradigm shift. The relationship between people, representatives, policy-making, inputs and insights should be a loop, The AG Attorney General also mentioned that technology and innovation can help change the approach towards law and governance. “However, there is an opportunity for collective introspection and innovation amidst these challenges. Just as connectivity has revolutionized our approach to law and governance, the era of interconnectedness requires a holistic approach to policy-making and justice administration, it is not just about making laws. but also to ensure their effective implementation and relevance in the rapidly changing world of justice and prosperous society,” said the law officer, senior advocate and president of the Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) on the occasion. And Lalit Bhasin, founder chairman of SEPC, said there is a need to enhance the facility for disposal of cases.Large number of pending cases. "At present there are five crore cases pending in India, and the cases are increasing. We need to increase the convenience of disposal of cases, which is currently not happening due to obsolete laws. Ease of filing as well as a process There should also be a rationalization of laws, including removal of obsolete laws from the statute books, such as laws of evidence, etc. and replacement with new codes.Labor Code matters are not of much use.'' He further said that the delay in arbitration and settlement matters should be reduced.

"I believe that the Legislative Department of the Ministry of Law and Justice has an important role to play in this rationalization process. The future focus should be on bringing justice by removing and reducing notorious laws and delays in arbitration and settlements." " He said.