SINGAPORE (AP) — The United States has confirmed its presence at the Ukraine peace summit later this month, but it is not certain whether President Joe Biden himself will attend, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday.

Zelensky was speaking at a press conference at the Shangri La Dialogue, Asia's premier security summit, in Singapore.

He also said that Kyiv has received confirmation from 106 countries regarding participation in the summit.

"So far we have confirmation from 106 countries in the world that will be attending the Swiss summit, till date... At the leaders' level we now have confirmation from 70-75 leaders who are Presidents... Heads of State." Zelensky said at the press conference.He said Ukraine hopes President Biden will attend the summit in Switzerland.

“The United States has confirmed its participation in the summit at a high level, at the moment we do not have the approval of the President himself, but we expect the President to be there… We expect it but it is important that the United States States should confirm their participation at the highest level," he said.

The international peace conference on Ukraine is scheduled to take place in Switzerland on June 15-16.

President Zelensky also expressed concern over China's stance against the conference and alleged that Beijing was calling on countries not to participate in the peace conference.

“As far as China is concerned, they have not confirmed their presence at any level, so these are two different situations.The United States...He has contacts with some states where he encourages them to attend the peace summit...China Unfortunately on the contrary, he is working for countries not to come to the peace summit There has been, so there is a big difference between these two positions,” he further said.

The Ukrainian president also stressed that Kiev needs the support of Asian countries towards ending the conflict. He said that Ukraine has never sought arms from Asian countries, but only political and humanitarian support.

“We need the support of Asian countries. It is very important that we respect every voice of every region, every country in the region.We want Asia to know what's going on in Ukraine, we want Asia to support an end to the war,” Zelensky said, adding that we want Asian leaders to attend the peace summit.

He said, "We know that many Asian countries do not support Ukraine with weapons, we never put pressure on them, never demanded it. We always first of all ask for political support, humanitarian support."

Volodymyr Zelensky also warned that China's support for Russia would prolong the conflict in Ukraine.Zelensky said, "China's support for Russia will prolong the war. This is bad for the whole world and for China's policy – ​​which declares that it supports territorial integrity and sovereignty and officially declares it It's not good for them." ,

"Sadly, it is unfortunate that a large independent powerful country like China is a tool in Putin's hands," he said.

Earlier, China had indicated that it may not attend the Ukraine peace summit to be held in Switzerland in June.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said China had conveyed Beijing's views and concerns to relevant parties as there was "a clear gap between the arrangement of the meeting and China's stance as well as the universal expectation in the international community."

Addressing a press conference, Mao Ning said that China attaches great importance to holding the first summit on peace in Ukraine in Switzerland and always says that the international peace summit must meet the three important elements of recognition from Russia and Ukraine, all Equal participation of the parties, needs to be accomplished. And impartial discussion of all peace plans.

Earlier in April, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis announced that Switzerland would host a high-level international conference in June bringing together more than 100 countries to chart a path toward peace in Ukraine after more than two years of war. Will be invited to help.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict – which began after Moscow launched a 'special military operation' against Kiev on February 24, 2022 – has lasted for more than three years and has caused massive damage to infrastructure and civilian casualties in both countries. happened.