Still, doctors' unions remained firm on the issue and called on the government to take a fresh look at medical reform despite some signs of internal division, Yonhap news agency reported.

During a media briefing last week, Second Deputy Health Minister Park Min-soo Sae said the government has decided to give local universities the autonomy to set their own medical school quotas for the 2020 academic year, from 50 to 100 percent. . Is. Officials said the standoff has been going on for several months.

Additionally, the government has delayed suspending the licenses of doctors who have been inactive for months under its "flexible disposition" policy since late March.No executive order has been issued for the medical school professors who have resigned along with their students. These measures were seen as a compromise in keeping with the government's initial effort to increase the total number of medical school admissions to 2,000 starting in 2025. The country's rapidly aging population, including low birth rates and lack of medical care. In an effort to deal with potential problems that may arise. Services in rural areas.

The government's decision triggered a protest by more than 90 percent of the country's 13,000 trainee doctors, who walked away from their duties at Genera hospitals since February.However, despite some signs of division in their internal coordination, doctors' organizations have come together to urge the government to scrap the planned hikes and draw up a new plan from scratch.

The new head of the Korean Medical Association (KMA), well-known radical Lim Hyun-taek, has repeatedly criticized the government in strong terms and pushed for the increase in admissions to be invalidated. "Plan to increase enrollment in medical schools by 2,000" "Students is not a solution to the problems facing the medical sector," Lim said at an event on Saturday, highlighting the need for a comprehensive reassessment of the proposed policies.

Park Dan, leader of the trainee doctors' group and known for his radical stance, criticized Lim for trying to form an advisory body of trainee doctors and medical students in an attempt to initiate negotiations with the government without their consent.

He said, “Our group of trainee doctors has not discussed this issue." "We are concerned by Lim's arbitrary decision."

He said that trainee doctors and medical students will take their own decisions and will be independent. The walkout of trainee doctors in hospitals has been going on for more than two months, so medical professors, who are senior doctors in major hospitals, have taken up recruitment. Last week, displeasure was expressed over juniors leaving the vacant posts for a long time. Started taking days off. doctor.Some professors at Samsung Medical Center, Severance Hospital and Seoul Nation University Hospital also suspended surgeries and treatments for outpatients for a day last week.