Oxford: Until three years ago no one had developed a vaccine against the parasitic disease. There are now two vaccines against malaria: the RTS,S and R2 vaccines.

Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford and principal investigator of the R21 vaccine, tells Nadine Dreyer why he thinks this is a great era for malaria control.

Why is malaria such a difficult disease to defeat? Malaria has been around for 30 million years. Man does not have it.

Our hominoid predecessors were becoming infected with malaria parasites millions of years ago, so these parasites had a lot of practice in clever tricks to evade the immune system long before we arrived.Homo sapiens first evolved in Africa about 315,000 years ago. Malaria is not a virus, nor is it a bacteria. It is a protozoan parasite that is thousands of times larger than a normal virus. A good comparison is how humans have genes. There are about a dozen of Covid-19, about 5,000 of malaria.Additionally, the malaria parasite goes through four life cycle stages. It's as complicated as it gets with infectious pathogens.

Medical researchers have been trying to create malaria vaccines for more than 10 years. It took us 30 years of research at Oxford. How does the R21/Matrix-M vaccine work?

All four malaria life cycles are highly distinct, with different antigens expressed.An antigen is any substance that causes the body to make an immune response against that substance. We targeted sporozoites, which is the form that the mosquito inoculates into your skin. We were working to trap them before they could reach the liver and then continue their life cycle by multiplying rapidly.

Each mosquito injects a small number of sporozoites into the skin, maybe 20. If you clear out those 20, you've won. If someone succeeds, you lost.The main thing is that you only have a few minutes.

So you need exceptionally high levels of antibodies that the parasite has not seen before and has not learned to evolve against. Technically it's like designing a car that's 10 times faster than anything else on the road. One child dies every minute in Africa from malaria. Why are children more sensitive than adults?

Nearly 80% of all malaria deaths in Africa are in children under five years of age.In Africa you are most likely to die from malaria when you are one year old.

For the first six months you are largely protected by your mother's immunity and the antibodies she transferred during her pregnancy. If you survive to the age of two or three, and you have had a few episodes of malaria And you're still alive, so you have a little immunity. It improves with time.

Some children have up to eight episodes over three or four months.They get sick the first time, and three weeks later they have to compete a second time, and so on.

Natural immunity doesn't work unless you've had multiple infections, which is why adults are usually protected from malaria and don't get too sick. Without malaria, children would be normally healthy – this disease Makes you vulnerable to other infections.
What about the speed of the vaccine rollout? We are disappointed that it took more than six months to prepare the R2 vaccine after it was approved in October last year. Lakhs of doses of R21 are kept in refrigerators in India.Standard deployment involves a lot of organization and processes that may not seem necessary.

Compare this with a COVID-19 vaccine from Oxford and AstraZeneca, which was approved on New Year's Eve 2020 and rolled out in several countries the very next week. That same year, malaria killed more people than COVID-19 in Africa. Took life of.

The first malaria vaccine, RTS,S, has already been given to millions of children in a large safety trial and uptake is indeed high, so large coverage could be achieved in Africa.

How big a role will vaccines play in the fight to eradicate malaria? We really think we have an opportunity now to make a big impact.No one is sure how much old equipment like insecticides and nets we will have to carry with us. The advice is to keep them all.

But mosquitoes are developing resistance to pesticides. Anti-malaria drugs last only a few days and parasites are developing resistance even to these drugs. About 40 million children are born each year in malaria areas of Africa who would benefit from the vaccine.The R21/Matrix-M is designed for mass production. Serum Institute of India, our manufacturing commercial partner, can produce millions of doses every year.

Another real advantage is its low cost. R21/Matrix at US$3.90 per dose—appears to be the most effective single intervention we can re-implement against malaria

Worldwide, US$5 billion is currently allocated each year to fight malaria. We are optimistic that if this money is spent wisely, we can make a big difference.Purchasing 200 million doses of the R21/Matrix-M vaccine will cost US$800 million.

Being in the field I am aware of other vaccines arriving. Some are targeting the blood stage and others the mosquito stage of malaria, which is very exciting. This looks like a great era for malaria control.

More than 600,000 people die from malaria every year.Deploying low-cost, very effective vaccines should enable us to bring this down to 200,000 or less by the end of this decade. Then the end game will be worldwide malaria eradication, which should realistically happen in the 2030s.(talk) NSA