ISLAMABAD [Pakistan], Recent revelations of child sexual abuse by clerics in a disturbing video showing brutal punishment of madrassa students have exposed the grim realities hidden within Pakistan's religious institutions. As Dawn reports, these horrors are not limited to Pakistan alone; Globally, totalitarian establishments including seminaries, the Vatican, and various educational and religious organizations have been implicated in systemic abuses. Despite the seriousness of these crimes, the influence exercised by clerical authorities in Pakistan often shields religious institutions from accountability, thereby shielding whistleblowers and activists. , and survivors will have to walk a dangerous path to justice As Dawn reports, over the past two decades, Pakistan has adopted a troubling approach to social development, from appeasement to Muslim sensitivities. Have seen the change. The focus has been on sacred development. This trend has exacerbated the existing challenge within Pakistan's colonial and Islamic legal framework, increasing stigma around gender and sexuality, while increasing clerical authority over human rights advocacy to address child sexual abuse.Data collected by Sahil, an NGO dedicated to combating violence, reveals a disturbing trend: Most abusers are people known to the victims, such as acquaintances, neighbors or even family. Member also. , .What is shocking is that religious teachers and clerics are emerging as the primary culprits within institutional settings, surpassing even police officers, school teachers or nuclear family members in the number of complaints filed against them. Has been given. Has been given. Of course, according to Dawn, primary data is limited and the organization relies on media reports and police complaints, but trends over the past 20 years show that the gender split of girls abused in madrassas is slightly higher than that of boys ( 'crew number'). Meanwhile, cases such as Qari Abubakar Muawiya, accused of raping a 12-year-old boy, underscore the widespread nature of abuse within religious institutions, with survivors often forced to testify despite legal provisions mandating sustained investigation and prosecution. Is forced to. It will have to be taken back. The investigation is facing immense pressure, and justice is further hampered by the lack of accessible DNA forensics.Institutional reform efforts within Pakistani madrassas have historically focused on curriculum and funding rather than addressing issues of institutional accountability. This neglect has allowed the cycle of abuse to continue unchecked, creating a culture of impunity within religious circles. The collusion of external actors has further complicated the situation, with Western funded projects purportedly aimed at promoting social change through faith-based approaches, inadvertently empowering clerics as a community. . , Gatekeepers Although these projects promote the value of religious leadership in social movements, they fail to acknowledge or address the rampant abuses that occur within religious institutions. The partnership between donors and clerics has only served to reinforce power dynamics that enable abuses to flourish.Despite some legislative progress, Dow reported that cleric leaders, who have now become power brokers, pressure victims to drop charges and settle out of court, further eroding trust. In the justice system. Rape and honor crime laws should be amended, Pakistan's legal framework is full of gender and religious biases. Family laws perpetuate inequalities, particularly regarding sexual maturity and early marriage, while social norms related to marriage and gender roles perpetuate the devaluation of girls and their vulnerability to exploitation. The myth of the family as a safe haven perpetuates a culture of silence and individual disposal of matters. Sexual abuse, which leaves survivors traumatized for life.Additionally, the misconception that biology drives sexual violence obscures the reality of power dynamics and perpetuates victim blaming attitudes, with feminist activists working to challenge these myths and advocate for survivors' rights. Working to do. Working to do. Have been at the forefront in doing this. The Aurat March movement has provided a platform for survivors to share their experiences and demand accountability for perpetrators. However, Dawn reports, the prevailing attitude in religious, judicial and political circles continues to hinder progress, allowing criminals to escape justice.