HSBC analysts said in a note that the inclusion would affect the weightings of Thailand, Poland and Czech in the global bond index.

According to the note, Thailand, Poland and Czech are the three emerging markets that are likely to see cuts in their respective weightings in the global bond index.

HSBC analysts further said that the re-weighting will not have any significant impact on the index as it will be done over a 10-month period.

JPMorgan announced the inclusion of Indian government bonds in the global index on September 21, 2023.

Since then, global funds have invested about $10.4 billion in Indian bonds.

It was $2.4 billion in the first eight months of 2023.

There were outflows of $1 billion in 2021 and 2022 each.

About $200 billion of assets are tracked in the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Index and it is estimated that by March 2025, India's weightage in this index will reach 10 percent.

Global funds remain bullish on the Indian debt market from September 2023.

They have invested about Rs 83,360 crore ($10 billion) in Indian bonds in the last 10 months. - avs/raid