Wadettiwar said that the committee will inspect the site and will suggest solutions after talking to the concerned people.

Congress MLA Nitin Raut said Monday's agitation could have been avoided if he had been able to visit Deekshabhoomi along with the district collector and understand the views of the protesters against the renovation work. Both Wadettiwar and Raut had on Tuesday given notices to cancel the Question Hour and discuss the issue.

Wadettiwar, who visited Deekshabhoomi on Monday when the agitation was going on, told the House that after the protests intensified, the police resorted to lathicharge and action was also taken against some nephews. "Considering the ground situation, I appeal to you (Speaker) to send a committee of ruling and opposition members there and avoid further confrontation," he said.

However, the Speaker ruled against Wadettiwar and Raut's plea to cancel Question Hour, saying the Deputy Chief Minister had already announced a stay on the renovation work.

He said the government has also announced to hold fresh talks with the Deekshabhoomi Renovation Committee and make necessary changes.