In a letter addressed to NC President, Dr Farooq Abdullah, NC Additional General Secretary, Ladakh UT, Qamar Ali Akhoon has conveyed the decision to abandon the Kargil unit in the larger interest of the Ladakh region.

The rift between the NC high command and its Kargil unit stems from disagreement among Kargil NC leaders over the party's decision to support Congress candidate Tsering Namgyal for the Lok Sabha seat.

The local NC unit has fielded Haji Hanifa Jan as an independent candidate, following the support of both powerful local religious organizations, the Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust and the Islamia School. Haji Hanifa Jan, Sajja Kargili, is the NC candidate who was elected in 2019. Was in second place. He had contested the Lok Sabha elections against the BJP candidate and had withdrawn his name as an independent candidate in support of Haji Hanifa Jaan.

Haji Hanifa Jan has been a part of the Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) which, along with the Ladakh Apex Body (LAB), has been part of a 4-year-long movement in the Ladakh region for statehood, inclusion of Ladakh in the Sixth Schedule . Formation and creation of two Lok Sabha seats, one for Ley district and the other for Kargil district.

This time, BJP has fielded Tashi Gyalson from Ladakh Lok Sabha seat by removing sitting MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal.