In a statement, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Raisi and Amirabdollahia played "a historic, effective and lasting role" in the history of the country's politics and foreign relations during the past three years.

"Promoting Iran's status in the international system, strengthening strong bonds of friendship and affection among regional countries and nations, establishing constructive relations in the international system, supporting the establishment of justice at the regional and global levels have been part of This is the result of the tireless efforts of two precious martyrs.”

"Undoubtedly, the martyrdom of the country's leading servants will not deter the determination of the diplomatic machinery to safeguard national interests and play an effective and constructive role for the Islamic Republic of Iran in regional and international equations," it said.

The ministry said it appreciated the "expression of humanitarian sentiments" by heads of state and nation, prominent political and religious figures, and international organizations and their solidarity with the Iranian government and people in this hour of grief.

Raisi and Abdullahian were among nine people killed when their helicopter crashed in Iran's mountainous northwest as they returned from the Azerbaijan border on Sunday after flagging off joint projects in the region.