New Delhi [India], BJP in its Lok Sabha election manifesto had promised to support farmers to make India a global nutrition hub. Shri Anna program will be promoted to help more than 2 crore small and marginal farmers who can produce millet at minimum investment and earn better prices. India is the center of millet. India produces all nine commonly known traditional millets. Sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet, foxtail millet, pros millet, little millet, barnyard millet, browntop millet and kodo millet.Mill is a general term to classify small-seeded grasses, often called nutritious grains, "We have ensured that millet gets global recognition and now we will promote it as a global superfood," the BJP manifesto said. It has been said that farmers will be supported to make India self-reliant. Dependent on the production of pulses and edible oils, commodities which the country imports extensively to meet its growing demand, India is a large consumer and producer of pulses and it meets a part of its consumption requirements through imports. Does. India mainly consumes gram, lentils, urad chickpea and tur. India is the world's second largest consumer and number one importer of vegetables, and it meets 60 percent of its needs through imports. A large part of this is palm oil and its derivatives, which are imported from Indonesia and Malaysia.India mainly consumes edible oils obtained from mustard, palm, soybean and sunflower. The BJP manifesto specifically mentions increasing production of tur, urad, masoor, moong and gram among pulses and mustard, soybean, sesame and groundnut among edible oils. Empowerment of farmers is one of our top priorities. We have empowered our farmers through various measures including soil health cards, micro irrigation, crop insurance, seed supply and direct financial assistance under the PM Kisan Samman Yojana," the manifesto issued here on Sunday said. The party said it has increased the MSP manifold and is committed to supporting farmers and empowering them to live a better life.The party aims to make agriculture a profitable business. Strengthening PM Crop Insurance has also been mentioned in the manifesto. Yojana, a crop insurance scheme, the party said it would further strengthen the PM Crop Insurance Scheme through more technological interventions to ensure quicker and more accurate assessment, faster payments and quick complaint resolution. On MSP, it said it has ensured an unprecedented increase in MSP for major crops. And the MSP will continue to increase from time to time.Apart from edible oils and pulses, the party has said in its manifesto that it will set up new clusters for vegetable production and storage. “We will support Annadatas with the necessary agricultural inputs to increase the production of nutritious vegetables.” Establishing new clusters for production of essential commodities like onion, tomato, potato etc.'' The manifesto further said his government will launch a National Mission on Natural Farming to promote nature-friendly, climate-resilient, profitable agriculture . -The government at the Center encouraged crop diversification with fair price support strategy, it said, adding that the party is committed to further expanding crop diversification to make agriculture sustainable and profitable.