Hyderabad, Former Telangana Special Intelligence Bureau (SIB) chief T Prabhakar Rao, a key accused in the phone hacking case, denied the allegations leveled against him, calling them "far-fetched and false".

The retired police officer, who is in the US for “medical treatment,” recently wrote to the investigating officer in the case, stating that he has not committed or ordered anyone to commit any illegal act or omission in the performance of his duties. his duties as a police officer. at any time, even as Head of SIB.

"The doctors who consulted me advised me not to travel outside the United States until my health had completely stabilized as it could have serious consequences if not diagnosed and treated in time," Rao said.

A suspended SIB DSP, two additional superintendents of police and a former deputy commissioner of police (DCP), have been arrested by the Hyderabad police since March 13 for allegedly deleting intelligence information from various electronic devices as well as for alleged wiretapping during the previous BRS regime.

Prabhakar Rao has been accused of forming a 'Special Operations Team' under the suspended DSP within the SIB to carry out certain specific tasks related to political surveillance for the benefit of the then ruling political party and its leaders.

The former SIB chief said that he was willing to fully cooperate with the investigation and provide any information that the IO considers to be in my exclusive knowledge and possession via email.

"While I ensure that I cooperate and answer all queries in person as soon as my health improves and upon my return to India, I am prepared to assist in the investigation in any type of interrogation through video or teleconferencing until such time as return to India," he said in the letter.

The suspended DSP and his team developed profiles of hundreds of people and intercepted hundreds of phone calls of various people, police said.

The arrested defendants, along with others, were accused of profiling several people without authorization and of clandestinely and illegally surveilling them in the SIB and of using them in a partisan manner to favor a political party at the behest of some people, according to police previously reported.