Medchal-Malkajgiri (Telangana) [India], Medchal Special Operation Team (SOT) and police arrested 14 people after raiding a professional gaming den run by a seed scientist at Kandlakoya here on Sunday. Police seized Rs. 53,510 cash, 13 cell phones, 36 sets of playing cards and gambling plastic coins worth Rs 61,620,” the SOT police, Cyberabad said, adding that the main accused is identified as Pegineni Rajesh, a senior scientist in a private seed company. He was earning money illegally by conducting illegal gambling for the last three years and taking Rs 1000 as organizer's commission, the police said. Rajesh, Thota Srinivas Porapati Vasubabu, Thalasila include Venkat Rao, Unnava Prasanna Shankar, Kota Balaraju Tokati Shankar, PS Vijay Kumar Verma, M Madhava Reddy, B Yadagiri, P Raman Kumar, K Hemanth Rayudu, K Ramaraju and Peddineni Pawan Kumar are absconding. Police seized Rs 53,510 in cash, Rs 61,620 worth of plastic gambling coins, and 13 cell phones worth Rs. 65,000. The total property seized was approximately Rs. 1,80,130," SOT police said while Medchal police is investigating the matter.