VMP New Delhi [India], May 25: On May 24, 2024, the eagerly awaited teaser of the film "Gauri" was launched at ATME College of Engineering, Mysore, in a set that was as innovative as it was exciting. Was - a class. The event saw an enthusiastic crowd of students, teachers and fans, including Indian cricket team and Roya Challengers Bangalore all-rounder Shreyanka Patil as well as director Indraji Lankesh, who was present to introduce Deepika Padukone to the film industry. Are known. , even included newcomer Samarjit Lankesh and Miss Teen International Princess 2023, Swizzle Furtado. The launch started with a press conference which soon turned into a lively celebration. The atmosphere in the class was electric with continuous cheering and applause."Gauri" team and Shreyanka Patil were warmly welcomed. The teaser release featured the song "Love You Samantha" performed by Javed Al and Jessie Gift. Shreyanka Patil, Samarjit Lankesh and Swizzle Furtad performed the hook step of the song, leaving the audience mesmerized and wanting more. You can watch the teaser here: https://youtu.be/EY1hl5eIlRg?si=cRwToI9mJ-ge [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY1hl5eIlRg&ab_channel=AnandAudio
In a delightful twist, Shreyanka Patil and Samarjeet Lankesh played cricket with the audience. Fans eagerly tried to get their hands on signed tennis balls and special blonde film chocolates.This interactive segment added to the excitement of the event, with fans climbing on anything available to catch the ball. The event also included a question-and-answer session where fans and students interacted with Indrajit Lankesh, Shreyanka Patil and the team. This association brought the audience closer to the stars, the unique classroom setting added a special touch to the programme, combining education and entertainment. This was the first launch of its kind which highlights the creativity and innovation of the “Gauri” team. As the event ended, the audience's excitement for the film's release was palpable.The successful teaser launch set a high bar for the promotion of the future film and gave the audience a memorable experience