Chennai, The government on Thursday said that Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.

After Stalin became the Chief Minister, he announced that gold loans taken from cooperative banks would be waived off till 31 March 2021 and a government order was issued accordingly.

The release said the move fulfilled the DMK's promise made in its election manifesto.

"Rs 4,818.88 crore has been waived off to benefit approximately 13,12,717 people who had taken jewelery loans," it said.

Loans worth Rs 2,755.99 crore given to women self-help groups through cooperative banks till March 31, 2021, were waived off, benefiting 1,17,617 SHGs.

In the three years from May 2021 to December 2023, interest-free crop loans worth about Rs 35.85 lakh crore were given to 46,72,849 farmers through cooperative societies.

Among several achievements, the statement recalled the state government's efforts to provide relief of Rs 6,000 per family to 23.18 lakh families affected by Cyclone Michong in Chennai and its suburbs. Similar relief amount was given to flood-affected families when torrential rains lashed Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi districts of the state.

"Thus, the Chief Minister's Dravidian model of governance is ensuring the well-being of the people by implementing various schemes through the Cooperative Department," the release said.