Chennai, Tamil Nadu fishermen's associations expressed dismay over the Nagapattinam fishermen being accused of causing the death of a Sri Lanka Navy sailor when he detained them and demanded an impartial inquiry into the incident. .

A senior Fisheries Department official said talks were being held at the embassy level to ascertain the facts. "Both the state and central governments are involved in the fishermen's case," he said.

Neithal Makkal Katchi president K Bharati claimed that Tamil Nadu fishermen were never violent and claimed that the Nagapattinam fishermen had set out to fish in their mechanized boat, which was not capable of causing the death of the sailor.

"It could have been an accidental fall. Also, since the arrest of the Tamil Nadu fishermen by the Lanka Navy and also the death of the sailor occurred at sea, the central government should constitute an independent committee to investigate the incident." "Bharati said on Tuesday.

He urged the state government to put pressure on the Center to convince the island nation to drop all charges and ensure the safe return of the ten fishermen. In addition, he insisted that the fishing boat that was seized on June 25 be returned to them.

Ten fishermen, including seven from Nagapattinam, two from Andhra Pradesh and one from Cuddalore, were arrested for allegedly fishing near Delft Island (Neduntheevu) in the island nation. They have also been accused of causing the death of a Sri Lankan sailor during their detention.

Questioning whether the India-Sri Lanka Joint Working Group was functioning effectively, Nagapattinam National Fishermen's Union of India vice-president R M P Rajendiran Nattar said the Nagapattinam fishermen were only fishing in their traditional area.

"Their arrest is unjustified and the charge leveled against them is condemnable," Nattar said. He urged the Center and the state government to immediately repatriate all the fishermen.

Nattar suggested that the central government hold talks with Sri Lanka and find a lasting solution to the frequent arrests of fishermen from Tamil Nadu. It should also safeguard the fishing rights of Tamil Nadu fishermen, he added.

According to a senior official of the Fisheries department, a fishermen's association had submitted a complaint to the official on behalf of the affected families seeking dismissal of the cases against the men and their safe return.

They wanted the Center to prevent such arrests in future, he said.