Moscow [Russia], Russia on Thursday expelled Britain's defense attache Adrian Coghill from Moscow in response to Britain's unfriendly moves, Russian news agency TASS reported, citing a statement by the Russian Foreign Minister. This came in response to Britain's decision on 8 May to expel Russia's defense attache, whom Britain accused of being an "undeclared military intelligence officer", from the Russian-owned Seacox Heaton property in Sussex and the Russian Embassy. Diplomatic status was removed. Trade and Defense Section I Highgate. Britain also imposed new restrictions on Russian diplomatic visas, including the length of time Russian diplomats can spend in the country. According to the ministry, it summoned a representative of the UK Embassy on 16 May and issued him a protest regarding this unfriendly decision.On 8 May it was taken by the Government of that country in relation to the Defense Attaché at the Russian Embassy in London. , has been declared persona non grata. He must leave the territory of the Russian Federation within a week, the ministry said, adding: "Our response to Britain's anti-Russian actions, which were announced on May 8, is not limited to this measure. Further response steps to instigators of tensions "Will be informed about," the ministry said, TASS reported. The ministry also said Moscow regards London's friendly move as a "politically motivated action of a clearly Russophobic nature, which harms bilateral relations." Britain's Defense Secretary Grant Shapps called Russia's expulsion a "desperate move."Shapps said, "While Russia's DA in Britain was working as a spy, Putin's only issue with us was that he showed Britain's unwavering support for Ukraine." The United Kingdom included expelling Maxim Elovik, a Russian colonel whom the British government labeled an "undeclared military intelligence officer", revoking the diplomatic status of several Russian-owned properties because they were believed to be used for intelligence purposes. This was done for, and new restrictions were imposed. Al Jazeera reported that restrictions on Russian diplomatic visas and trips. The investigation follows criminal cases in London alleging espionage and sabotage by people working on Russia's behalf, the government said. It also alleges that the Russian government planned to sabotage military aid to Ukraine in Germany and Poland and also spied on Bulgaria and Italy.Britain has had an uneasy relationship with Russia for years over cyber and disinformation activities, airspace violations and jamming of GPS signals to disrupt civilian air traffic, accusing its agents of targeted killings and espionage, including Cyber ​​attacks and leaks targeted at British MPs have also been escalated. According to Al Jazeera report, sensitive information to serve Russian interests. Britain has also imposed sanctions on hundreds of wealthy Russians and cracked down on money laundering through London's property and financial markets, after Russia sent troops to Ukraine.