New Delhi [India], Taking a swipe at the Congress, BJP national spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla on Wednesday said the grand old party is associated with spreading lies and insulting tribal communities. Sharing a video clip on his official Draupadi Murmu, daughter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a tribal community, has been made the President by NDA and PM Modi, while on the other hand, Rahul Gandhi has insulted Champai Soren (Chief Minister of Jharkhand), who comes from the tribal community. Public Forum "This is not the first time. They also voted against Draupadi Murmu and Eve said that Draupadi ji was of bad mentality and called her Rashtrapatni! This is their mentality and culture," BJP's national spokesperson said in his post. Further claiming that there has always been hatred for backward communities in the hearts of the Gandhi family and Congress, Poonawalla posted, "This is because Rahu Gandhi, Congress party and his family are against SC, and S community. He has hatred. We have seen his hatred towards Ambedkar ji.We have also seen how from time to time Congress has tried to suppress the real contribution of Birsa Munda. Terming the oldest party as anti-tribal, the BJP national spokesperson said, "And today, the anti-tribal face and mentality of the Congress party has been exposed by the behavior of Rahul Gandhi. This is his real face and character." Earlier, the Congress had faced strong criticism from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP over Sam Pitroda's 'racist' statement in an interview with an English daily on Wednesday in which he called Indians living in the east of the country 'equal'. ' Told. Chinese and southern people look like 'Africans'.Elaborating on the mixing of people of different castes in India, Pitroda said, "We have been living in a very happy environment for 75 years, where people can live together except for a few fights here and there." We can put together a country as diverse as India, where people in the East look like Chinese, people in the West look like Arabs, people in the North look like whites and maybe people in the South look like Africans. The remarks drew outrage from the BJP as well as a section of opposition leaders, with the Congress immediately distancing itself from the statement and saying the views expressed were in line with the party's position. In the wake of protests, Pitroda later stepped down.As the President of Indian Overseas Congress.